Sunday, February 17, 2013

See & Injustice

I completely forgot to do this yesterday. I thought about it some during the day, but by the time I got home I was so tired it completely slipped my mind. Interestingly enough: though I hadn't looked ahead to the next day, (what is now today's theme) I had planned on encouraging you, as well as reminding myself, to see opportunities to help others. This opportunities usually occur due to some sort of injustice. I didn't know that today's word was injustice until I sat down to write this. So rather than do two separate entries, I will do one. So lets take the ampersand out of our title.

See Injustice

You don't have to look far. It is all around you. I'll admit my picture is fabricated today, but I'm sure you have all seen similar signs. I saw similar signs earlier today. Today I didn't do anything about it. I started to say I wasn't in a position to do anything about it, but that isn't entirely true. I could have done something, but I didn't. To be honest, I don't feel guilty about it. I have stopped and helped many times. Today I didn't feel led to do so. Maybe I am just not as in tune with what I should be doing right now, or maybe today I legitimately wasn't supposed to stop. I hope it is the latter. In the past when I have felt led to stop, I have had some very rewarding experiences. Usually these come in the form of conversations with people too tired to be anything other than completely genuine. I would be willing to wager that if you stop and talk and offer to help you'll get more out of it than you could ever get. I also find it helps to separate people who actually need help from those who are just trying to play on your emotions to make a quick buck. There have been times when I have offered to by food for "hungry people" and they refused asking for money instead. Don't get me wrong. Those people need to ministered to as well. Sometimes, I have even given them the money anyway. If the need it so bad that they feel they need to lie about it, is it wrong to show them some kindness? I guess my overall message for today's post is: Look for injustice, do something about it, don't be overwhelmed by how much there is. You might not be able to help everyone, but you will have some sort of impact on everyone you help.

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