Sunday, March 24, 2013

As you can see I have fallen more than a little behind in my pictures. I will finish them, but life got in the way. I doubt I make my original goal of finishing in the Lenten season. (Unless I go crazy and go on a few major photo shoots.) I do plan to eventually finish though.

I decided to write today because the counter on my phone tells me it has been 100 days since I graduated. It seemed like a good time to reflect on what has happened since then. I feel like it hasn't been that much, but when I stop to think it has been decently eventful. Of course we went through the holiday season. My band released a CD. I have played several times at open mic night. (This is the first time I have ever mustered up the courage to perform originals that were written and performed solely by me)  I went on a job search which yielded at least 4 offers, of those four offers I took two of the jobs.

I guess all of this is just me reassuring myself because, honestly, I feel somewhat unproductive right now. My goals are less focused than they have been in the past. This isn't necessarily a bad thing it is just different. I have always been working toward that next significant event, high school grad, college grad, completion of military training, etc. Don't get me wrong I still have goals, but they are more unclear and currently very fluid.

Well I guess that is enough of me rambling today. I do however want to get at least one more picture under my belt. Today the word is evil. I leave you with a picture of all of my socks. I HATE mating socks. I hate folding laundry in general. I have no problem doing laundry, but I hate folding it. Within the event of folding laundry there is a thing I hate most vehemently, and that is mating socks. So this is my picture of evil.

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