Friday, January 25, 2013

Well if I'm going to do this on a weekly basis, I should write something. I'm already a day late.

For the record I am not a blind optimist. I tend to consider myself a realist. I often assume the worst, and over think things. With that being said, the following discussion sounds sickeningly optimistic, but I firmly believe it to be the case. Often even I do not adhere to all the tenants, but I should.  

I have been training at my new job, and it has really brought into light exactly how important perspective is. I know it sounds cliche, but mindset really is everything. This isn't a new concept to me, but as I enter a new environments it is again reinforced. I suppose I could write a fairly long entry on the value of a good attitude. I hesitate to do so, I feel that there is no reason to try and complicate a very simple point.

Attitude is everything.

That is all there is to it. Why are there so many unhappy rich people? Why are some people living on the streets content with so little? The only thing we have control over is our attitude. Everything else could change in the blink of an eye. 

Again I'm not a fan of blogs without pictures so here is an stereotypical "artistic" down-the-keyboard shot of a piano... If I really wanted to go for it I should have put it in black-and-white huh?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I am going to actually try to update this at least once a week. It seems like a good practice if only for the purpose of collecting my thoughts. I do not really have a defined purpose, so it will be a bit free form. Originally, the blog was created for a class. The class is over and the blog remains. I might as well use it, right?

I have written about three more paragraphs and deleted them because I feel as if no one would ever want to read them. The internet is full of enough rambling already. I will bid you farewell until I have something more significant to say.

Blogs with just text are boring, so for now here's a picture of a dead bug on my sunglasses.

Oh, I almost forgot! if you want a blog with purpose check out some friends of mine: